Any crime giving rise to sex offender registration, including New York Sex Crimes, out-of-state crimes with the same elements as New York Sex Crimes, and federal sex crimes. Corr. L. 168-a(2)
New York Sex Offense
SORA sets forth specified New York crimes that are defined as Sex Offenses. Other New York crimes are defined as sex offenses only under certain defined circumstances, such as when the “victim” is under 18 years old. Most New York Sex Offenses are defined in Article 130 of the Penal Law, but not all violations of Article 130 are Sex Offenses under SORA. Because the New York Legislature frequently changes what crimes trigger registration, and because the definitions of the crimes often change, it is essential to consult with an attorney if you have been accused of a crime or think you might be in the future.
Federal Sex Offense
Sex offenses defined by congress and listed in the United States Code. Certain federal offenses are defined as Sex Offenses triggering the registration requirement in New York.
Child Pornography
Child pornography is generally defined as sexually explicit images of individuals under 18 years old. Under the Constitution and Supreme Court cases, the images must be of real children in order to be unlawful. Both state and federal law provide very serious penalties for possession, receipt or transmission of child pornography. For more information, please see our main child pornography page.